October 29, 2020

Corporate social responsibility is a term that’s top of mind for many business leaders in today’s transforming marketplace, but there’s real meaning beyond the buzzwords. More and more companies are looking to use their influence and dollars to improve society in some way, but if those efforts, no matter how well-intentioned, are superficial, informed consumers quickly see through the facade. 

“Philanthropy has always been important to me because I believe there is an underlying reason for everything you give comes back to you 10 fold, and the more you put yourself out there by giving to others, the more is likely to return to you,” says Inspired Interiors founder Emily Mackie. “That’s why I’ve always incorporated it into my business.” 

Last year, Emily wrote about her commitment to causes that promote women’s empowerment, as embodied by an inspiring showing of works by 21 female artists during the prestigious SOFA CHICAGO exhibition. These pieces (some of which are shown here) all depicted milestones in the ongoing fight for women’s equality, creating an indelible moment as part of the movement. This is just one example of Emily’s passion for philanthropic causes and giving back, which for her, are inherently personal.


“It’s important to make sure that the philanthropy you choose aligns with the core elements of your work,” she explains. “For me, that’s always had to do with art, design and supporting women. It’s always been about trying to find ways to tie in philanthropy that surrounds those elements. I think when you tie all of those things together and there’s a synchronicity to it, it’s more heartfelt, it resonates on a higher level and it makes sense for a business.”

Connecting Your Company’s Vision With Your Personal Values

For Emily, that also translates into a work environment that is, of course, centered on art and design, but is uniquely structured to support the work (and the increasingly complex work-life balance) of women. As a female leader and a mother, Emily understands what it takes to create a nurturing network that lifts us all up. This lends an authenticity to her business and philanthropic initiatives that makes the inextricable connection between the two that much stronger. 

“The mistake that people potentially make with businesses and philanthropy is that they choose something, anything, but maybe it does or doesn’t tie into what they do as a business,” she says. “But when the two align, business and philanthropy, you can get a lot of traction. And the end result is traction that what’s needed for the philanthropy and by utilizing the business as a tool and a resource to make traction for that philanthropy, you get winning results.”

Emily is always happy to connect to share insights, inspiration and ideas. Follow us on InstagramFacebook and Pinterest and share your thoughts with us. We’d love to start a conversation about how incorporating your vision with your values is the blueprint for true satisfaction and success, both professionally and personally.

AllInspired Team