Inspired Interiors HQ

Inspired Interiors HQ

A beautiful, historic Chicago building that has been transformed into a glamorous work space is home to the innovative and personal design company. Exposed brick walls and industrial concrete floors pay homage to the roots of River North and preserve the integrity of the historic warehouse, but these utilitarian staples are softened and revamped with gold chandeliers and funky accents. Feeling elegant and glamorous is essential when everyone is working to create spaces unique to each client. Productivity always reaches its peaks when the office space is deliberately designed to inspire and also serve as a homey place to be. Determined to bring design away from the “one size fits all” mindset, curiosities and eclectic pieces of art really bring to light Inspired Interiors’ dedication to the individual and creating spaces that make you feel productive, glamourous, and unique.

Commercial, AllJeremy Richardson